We are still alive and kicking. It has been a tough winter. The nurse at my pediatricians office recognizes my number on caller ID, and greets me by name when she answers the phone. . . followed by "which one is it this time?"
February is particularly icky in Georgia because it is generally brown and ugly. Well today we had a special treat! It snowed here in Georgia! The kids LOVED it, and somehow the fluffy white stuff lifted my spirits!
It started snowing this morning while we were at church. It was a really odd storm because it was accompanied with thunder and lightening. Weird huh?
Abby was really antsy to play with snow, and it was killing her to wait for the lightening storm to stop. So this was our solution, a tupperware full of snow at the kitchen table.
Once Carlos told her it was time to go outside, we could not get her snow clothes on her fast enough (poor Charlie missed out on all the fun because of his afternoon nap!)
What a pink princess!
Carlos thinks that Izzy had the best time of all running around in the snow.
Here is the finished product. Not bad for a Georgia snowman!
We had snow here in AL when we woke up. You must have gotten our storm. We missed playing in because of church. It really kind of stinked. But Abby is a doll. I love her little pink outfit. And I agree with you about the winter blahs. I am ready for spring!
I agree--the snow totally lifted my winter spirits. Ironic. The timing was perfect to start right as we left church! If Charlie is anything like Benjamin, he was better off napping. We got Benjamin all bundled up in our pathetic snow gear (including walmart sacks between his socks and shoes)which took about 15 minutes to get on. And then he was screaming and miserable after one minute in the snow. Abby did great on her talk and prayer today!
Don't talk to me about your cold Atlanta winter. We are freezing our tails off and snow isn't such a fun sight anymore. I feel like it has snowed everyday for 4 months. Where is Spring??
I loved the snow!!
Isn't it funny? We went from being so excited when it snowed in GA last year to absolutely buried in it this winter. We had the most snow on record in 30 years in Cleveland. Great. Just in time for our first winter here.
I agree with you. It's the winter blahs. I can't wait for it to get warm and green and stay that way!
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