Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's like the desert

Really, I feel like I have been in the desert for the last week with no water. Since the move, we have had no internet or TV! It doesn't sound that bad, but try it sometime!!!! I didn't mind the lack of TV until I realized I was missing American Idol, but internet on the other hand has been killing me!

So today after many failed attempts and poor customer service, we are once again connected! I think I could spend all day going through everyone's blog updates, but the unpacked boxes and general chaos are calling my name.

I will update more later. Just know that we are moved in, and everyone is doing well now. I came up with a new theory on moving. Moving is like childbirth. It is so traumatic that your mind blocks out exactly how awful it really is. . . and that is the only reason you are willing to do it over again! Ponder that women.


Heidi Totten said...

Yeah. Having moved 8 times in 7 years prior to this house I feel your pain. My question - why did you move? I loved the pictures of your house!

Teresa said...

So, you've made it through labor, but now it's the sleepless nights with a newborn... Hope you get settled soon. Glad to see you back online!

Kari said...

I look forward to your blog comments. Our cruise is March 10, so only like 10 days left! And being without TV and internet is sooo bad. I had to endure that for a few months the first summer we got married. And I didn't have a job, so I did a lot of movie watching.

The Thomas Family said...

Love your comparison. Isn't that the truth. You are too funny.
Glad to hear things are coming along. Call me when your up for visitors.

Libby said...

Yay! You're back! I was beginning to think you'd dropped off the face of the earth. Yes, moving IS like childbirth. My mom always said it steals 3 months of your life.

Lindsey said...

I want to see pics of the new house. Congrats on your new birth...I mean move. :)

Anonymous said...

OH NO!!! SO you missed David Archuleta's performance of "Imagine"???? OH YOU HAVE TO YOUTUBE IT!! Freakin amazing!!!